Google Algorithm Updates and What It Means For You In 2022

Google, the biggest search engine on earth had a busy year in 2021 with 12 updates namely Core Update, Product Reviews Update, Spam Updates, Page Experience Update, and many more.

But, of course, it doesn’t comprise of the hundreds of minor updates that Google has made consistently to its search engine.

Could these updates and Algorithms affect the performance of your landing pages in 2022?


Adapting to these constant changes is more than just about optimizing and correcting your content for the SERPs.

Landing Pages and SEO Marketing Strategies must be changed People are getting more tech-savvy and skeptical now, as observed with the increase in data privacy and security pursuits in recent years.

Similarly, Google is likewise becoming more aware and skeptical of the content regularly coming out.

People, as well as search engines, are looking for a good knowledgeable experience with accurate information. However, indexing and ranking your landing pages isn’t just about the details contained on a single page.

Why Google Rolls Out So Many Updates

Well, basically their means is to meet the goal of the update is simple: help Google get better at assessing content and deciding what pages serve the best answers for your searchers across the board. The changes made according to systems are intended to issue improvements as to how well it is able to assess content quality overall in the future.

How To Change Your Tactics Or Recover From Google Algorithm

First and foremost is to not panic if you see your website getting the opposite/negative results after the updates of Google. Keep calm and start to determine whether and to what degree a Google Algorithm Update has impacted your website.

Fortunately, that is also the initial step towards determining the fault in evaluating the update’s actual purpose. Now we know that Google’s take on all of its updates is that it is to improve the quality of content in all of its search results, which is the case, however, this alone point isn’t enough to make a decision as to what components of your site to focus on and invest in.

Google Themselves Gives Out The Means To Rectify Ans Change Your Content According To Their New Updates

In a few cases, although not often – you will get to see that Google themselves establish the area of interest for algorithm updates. One such example is the recent new spam algorithm update from the month of June 2021. Exact details, as expected, were not provided however Google’s advisor Danny Sullivan did confirm the algorithm update was concentrated on fighting the spam.

 Identify Patterns and Diversify Your Traffic

 – Assess whether specific elements or types of content on your site were affected while the updates were rolled out.

When your whole business model is to land people on your site only for the terms of ranking, forget about the whole scenario of ranking and focus on attracting and reaching more towards your target audience.

And the key to this is really building an authentic following and growing an audience. Not only does this make many elements of SEO, but including off-page SEO it’s also going to be a great source of new traffic.

The few social media channels that we can highly suggest investing time and your resources in are:

  • Building an email list
  • Starting a YouTube channel
  • Make your product business grow on Instagram
  • Growing an audience on Twitter

And maybe, if it makes sense for what you do – and when your audience is big enough start growing upon a Facebook community for your brand.